
Пячин Сергей1,Pyachin Sergey2,Каминский Олег3,Kaminskiy Oleg4,Беля Александр1,Belya Aleksandr2,Мокрицкий Борис5,Mokrickiy Bori6


1. Тихоокеанский государственный университет

2. Pacific Ocean State University

3. Институт материаловедения ХНЦ ДВО РАН

4. Institute of Material Science, HSC FER RAS

5. Комсомольск-на-Амуре государственный университет

6. Komsomolsk-upon Amur State University


The work is dedicated to the simulation of the processes of erosion and electrode metal transfer at coating formation by an electrospark alloying method. Anode is a cylindrical rod, and cathode – a disk. During discharge pulses the erosion takes place both in anode material, and in cathode material. The anode moves in a spiral along a cathode surface. There are calculated the coefficients of precipitation equal to the probability of metal emitted from the surface of one electrode and falling onto the surface of the opposite electrode. They are constant close to the central cathode axis, but at the anode approach to the cathode end a coefficient of anode metal precipitation on a cathode decreases, a coefficient of cathode metal precipitation on an anode increases. The rates of anode erosion and cathode weight increase when the mass ratio of eroded substance of anode and cathode increases in the course of one discharge. When this ratio is equal to 5, a coefficient of mass transfer achieves 0.8-0.9 it tells of small substance loss during its transfer between electrodes. The model developed is useful for the parameter estimate of mass transfer between cylindrical electrodes at electrospark processing taking into ac-count their dimensions and paths of anode motion.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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