Results of epidemiological surveillance for COVID-19 among students and teaching staff of the University


Sayganov SA1ORCID,Liubimova AV1ORCID,Gasanbekov IM2,Meltser AV1ORCID,Lopatin ZV1ORCID,Aslanov BI1ORCID


1. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia


Organization of training in the context of COVID-19 pandemic demanded the development and implementation of active epidemiological surveillance for acute respiratory infections in students and teaching staff of the Medical University. The study was aimed to identify the features of the COVID-19 epidemic process among students and teaching staff in 2020–2022. The analysis of COVID-19 incidence among students and teaching staff in the academic years 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 was carried out. The study was conducted on 6293 students enrolled in the academic year 2020–2021, 6148 students enrolled in the academic year 2021–2022, and 772 teaching staff members. In the academic year 2020–2021, COVID-19 was detected in 681 students, among whom the cumulative incidence (CI) was 10.83 (95% CI: 10.08-11.61) per 100 students, and 79 teaching staff members, among whom the CI was 10.23 (95% CI: 8.09–12.37); in the academic year 2021–2022 infection was detected in 690 students, the CI was 11.44 (95% CI: 10.64–12.24) per 100 students, and 75 teaching staff members, the CI was 9.71 (95% CI: 7.62%–11.80%). In 26.3% affected individuals, COVID-19 was detected when contacting the University outpatient clinic. The incidence among students living in the dormitories did not exceed that among students living in private apartments (p = 0.36), and no outbreaks were reported. There was a strong positive correlation between the incidence among residents of St. Petersburg and the incidence among students (r = 0.77). Over the entire period, probable setting of transmission was determined in 39.9% of infected individuals, contact most often (15.2%) occurred when working in the health care facilities. The incidence of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) among students and teaching staff members in the academic years 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 is directly related to their involvement in the COVID-19 epidemic process in St. Petersburg.


Federal Medical Biological Agency


Economics and Econometrics,Waste Management and Disposal,Literature and Literary Theory,Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Communication,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Physiology,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,General Medicine,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine

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