Сerebral energy exchange in employees of hazardous nuclear facilities and productions with the low degree of psychophysiological adaptation


Zvereva ZF1,Torubarov FS1ORCID,Vanchakova NP2ORCID,Denisova EA1


1. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia

2. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia


Psychophysiological assessment of employees of 10 Russian nuclear power plants revealed a low degree of psychophysiological adaptation (PPA) in 30% of subjects. Studying the fuctional activity (FA) of the brain by EEG revealed the decline in FA in individuals with the low degree of PPA. The impaired cerebral energy exchange could be one of the factors contributing to the decline in the brain functional state. The study was aimed to assess the features of the cerebral energy exchange in the employees of the hazardous nuclear facilities and productions with the low degree of PPA. A total of 159 EEG recordings acquired from individuals with the low degree of PPA (50.8 ± 4.6), and 152 EEG recordings acquired from individuals with the high degree of PPA (48.8 ± 1.5) were studied. Energy exchange was assessed in individuals with the low FA of both brain as a whole and the following conditionally distinguished structural and functional units (SFUs) of the CNS: mainly cerebral cortex (SFU-1), cortical-subcortical interactions (SFU-2), central control of the cardiovascular system (SFU-3). EEG was recorded by standard method using the electroencephalography unit. The magnitude of the hemispheric differences (HD) in the power of biopotentials (BP) between the homologous EEG leads was used to assess the cerebral energy exchange. There is evidence of the cerebral energy exchange increase in the anterior cortical areas of individuals with the low degree of PPA. The increased cerebral energy exchange has been also revealed in SFU-1 and SFU-2 responsible for the mental and psychophysiological functions of the CNS. However, cerebral energy exchange remains unchanged in the SFU-3 reflecting the central control of the CVS.


Federal Medical Biological Agency

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