Taurine and the Mitochondrion


Heidari Reza1,Ommati M. Mehdi2


1. Shiraz University of Medical Sciences,Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center,Shiraz,Iran,

2. Henan University of Science and Technology,Henan Key Laboratory of Environmental and Animal Product Safety,Henan,China,471000,


Several studies have evaluated the subcellular compartmentalization of taurine (TAU) and its cellular and molecular mechanisms of action. Meanwhile, it has been found that TAU is largely uptaken by mitochondria. TAU could improve mitochondrial function by incorporating it into the basic mitochondrial structures and protein synthesis (e.g., mainly mitochondrial electron transport chain components). Several other mechanisms, including the enhancement of mitochondrial calcium sequestration, regulation of mitochondria-mediated reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, prevention of mitochondria-mediated cell death, and mitochondrial pH buffering, are also involved in the mitochondrial function regulatory properties of TAU. Therefore, TAU has been used against a wide range of pathologies, including mitochondrial injury. In the current chapter, a review of the approved molecular mechanism for the effects of TAU on mitochondria is provided. Then, the applications of TAU on a wide range of complications linked with mitochondrial impairment are discussed. The data collected here could give a better insight into the application of TAU as a therapeutic agent against a wide range of human diseases.<br>



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