1. Temren Z, Sönmez I.
A study on energy consumption and carbon footprint of asphalt and concrete mixtures.
5th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress
Turquia, Istanbul. 2012.
2. Angelone S, Casaux CM, Zorzutti L, et al.
Project steps: SUSTAINABLE PAVEMENTS.; FIRST experimental SECTION with recycled plastics.
XX Ibero-Latin American Asphalt Congress
Mexico.. 2019.
3. Giovanón O.
Behavior in service of asphalt pavements.
Doctoral thesis National University of Rosario
4. Giovanón O, Raffaelli J.
Characterization of materials with performance tests in mechanicist design methods - Empirical.
XVIII Argentine Congress of Roads and Transit
Argentina, 2022
5. González LP, Pérez CMA, Fresno CD, Zamanillo VÁ, Vega II.
Comparative analysis of the performance of asphalt concretes modified by dry way with polymeric waste.
Constr Build Mater
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