1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University, Campus Michel Slayman Ras Maska, Tripoli
1352, Lebanon
2. Laboratory of Applied Biotechnology (LBA3B), Azm Center for Research in Biotechnology and
its Applications, EDST, Lebanese University, Tripoli 1300, Lebanon
3. Laboratory of Georesources, Geosciences and
Environment (L2GE), Microbiology/Tox-Ecotoxicology Team, Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University, Campus
Fanar, Jdeidet El-Matn, Beirut, P.O. Box 90656, Lebanon
4. The Institute of Neurophysiopathology, Aix-Marseille
University, CNRS, INP, Marseille 13385, France
5. University of Angers, INSERM, CNRS, MITOVASC, Team 2
CarMe, SFR ICAT, Angers 49000, France