Theranostic Applications of Nanomaterials in the Field of Cardiovascular Diseases


Sahoo Rakesh K.1,Singh Himani1,Thakur Kamlesh1,Gupta Umesh1,Goyal Amit K .1


1. Department of Pharmacy, School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305817, India


: A large percentage of people are being exposed to mortality due to cardiovascular diseases. Convention approaches have not provided satisfactory outcomes in the management of these diseases. To overcome the limitations of conventional approaches, nanomaterials like nanoparticles, nanotubes, micelles, lipid-based nanocarriers, dendrimers, and carbon-based nanoformulations represent the new aspect of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The unique inherent properties of the nanomaterials are the major reasons for their rapidly growing demand in the field of medicine. Profound knowledge in the field of nanotechnology and biomedicine is needed for the notable translation of nanomaterials into theranostic cardiovascular applications. In this review, the authors have summarized different nanomaterials which are being extensively used to diagnose and treat the diseases, such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, stroke and thrombosis.


DST FIST to Department of Pharmacy, Central University of Rajasthan


Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


Drug Discovery,Pharmacology

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