Segmentation of Thoracic Organs through Distributed Extraction of Visual Feature Patterns Utilizing Resio-Inception U-Net and Deep Cluster Recognition Techniques


Saminathan Karthikeyan1ORCID,Banerjee Tathagat2,Rangasamy Devi Priya1ORCID,Vimal Cruz Meenalosini3


1. Computer Science and Engineering, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

2. Computer Science and Engineering, VIT - AP University, India

3. Department of Information Technology, Georgia Southern University, 1332 Southern Dr, Statesboro, Savannah, GA, USA


Background: Segmentation of medical images plays a key role in the correct identification and management of different diseases. In this study, we present a new segmentation method that meets the difficulties posed by sophisticated organ shapes in computed tomography (CT) images, particularly targeting lung, breast, and gastric cancers Method: Our suggested methods, Resio-Inception U-Net and Deep Cluster Recognition (RIUDCR), use a Residual Inception Architecture, which combines the power of residual connections and inception blocks to achieve cutting-edge segmentation performance while reducing the risk of overfitting. Result: We present mathematical equations and functions that describe the design, including the encoding and decoding steps within the UC-Net system. Furthermore, we provide strong testing results that show the effectiveness of our method. Through thorough testing on varied datasets, our method regularly beats current techniques, achieving amazing precision and stability in organ task segmentation. These results show the promise of our residual inception architecture in better medical picture analysis. Conclusion: In summary, our research not only shows a state-of-the-art segment methodology but also reinforces its usefulness through thorough testing. The inclusion of residual inception architecture in medical picture segmentation offers good possibilities for improving the identification and management of disease planning.


Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

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