1. Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry,Mullana,India,
2. Lavanika Academy,Melbourne,Australia,
Centres for disease control and prevention (CDC) has developed a
framework for healthcare personnel and healthcare systems for the delivery of non emergent care. Infection control is important in dentistry because patient saliva may be
contaminated with oral commensal and opportunistic pathogens. In addition, it can
harbour specific pathogens during infection as well as during the carrier state, including
SARS-CoV-2. Due to the nature of the dental procedures, exposure to the blood and
saliva aerosols is unavoidable. Direct contact with fluid-contaminated environmental
surfaces, instruments and equipment is also a potential source of pathogen
transmission. In a dental practice, the dentist, dental assistant, instrument processing
and administration staff, as well as the patients, are at risk of transmission of infections.
Dental laboratory staff members are also at risk due to the cross-contamination
between the clinic and the laboratory. In addition, it can be extended to their families if
the infection control measures are not taken correctly. Therefore, historically step by
step infection control measures have been recommended by the CDC and countries
across the globe have drawn up individual country-specific guidelines.<br>
Reference11 articles.
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