Sleep Medicine in Argentina


Garay Arturo1,Franceschini Carlos2,Valiensi Stella3,Leske Vivian4


1. Sleep Medicine-Neurology,, Centro de Estudios Médicos e Investigaciones Clínicas “Norberto Quirno” (CEMIC), Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CABA),Argentina,

2. Sleep Medicine-Mechanical Ventilation, Hospital Cosme Argerich,Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CABA),Argentina,

3. Sleep Medicine-Neurology, Hospital Italiano,Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CABA),Argentina,

4. Sleep Unit-Pediatric Pulmonology, Hospital de Pediatría S.A.M.I.C,“Prof. Dr. J.P. Garrahan”, Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CABA),Argentina,


In this chapter we describe the history, research, education, and practice of sleep medicine in Argentina, pointing out the importance of the role of public policies in the development of sleep medicine grounds. With the drawbacks of a developing or “emerging” country, sleep medicine in Argentina has been growing up in the past decades. This fact allows us to be optimistic despite the unfavorable scenarios that our country usually goes through. Sleep medicine in Argentina is still rather young in the field of medicine and needs much more effort to consolidate as a specialty.<br>



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