Meet Our Editorial Board Member


Jave-Suárez Luis F.1


1. Mexican Social Security Institute, Mexico City, Mexico



Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


Cancer Research,Pharmacology,Molecular Medicine

Reference9 articles.

1. Nasiri-Aghdam M.; Garcia-Garduño T.C.; Jave-Suárez L.F.; Celf family proteins in cancer: Highlights on the RNA-binding protein/noncoding RNA regulatory axis. Int J Mol Sci 2021,22(20),Article number 11056

2. Ramírez-Velazco A.; Aguayo-Orozco T.A.; Figuera L.; Rivera H.; Jave-Suárez L.; Aguilar-Lemarroy A.; Torres-Reyes L.A.; Córdova-Fletes C.; Barros-Núñez P.; Delgadillo-Pérez S.; Dávalos-Rodríguez I.P.; García-Ortiz J.E.; Williams-Beuren syndrome in Mexican patients confirmed by FISH and assessed by aCGH. J Genet 2019,98(21),Article number 34

3. Bustos-Carpinteyro A.R.; Oliveira C.; Sousa A.; Oliveira P.; Pinheiro H.; Carvalho J.; Magaña-Torres M.T.; Flores-Miramontes M.G.; Aguilar-Lemarroy A.; Jave-Suárez L.F.; Peregrina-Sandoval J.; Cruz-Ramos J.A.; CDH1 somatic alterations in Mexican patients with diffuse and mixed sporadic gastric cancer. BMC Cancer 2019,19(114),Article number 69

4. Aco-Tlachi M.; Carreño-López R.; Martínez-Morales P.L.; Maycotte P.; Aguilar-Lemarroy A.; Jave-Suárez L.F.; Santos-López G.; Reyes-Leyva J.; Vallejo-Ruiz V.; Glycogene expression profiles based on microarray data from cervical carcinoma HeLa cells with partially silenced E6 and E7 HPV oncogenes. Infect. Agents Cancer 2018,13(120),Article number 25

5. Pedraza-Brindis E.J.; Sánchez-Reyes K.; Hernández-Flores G.; Bravo-Cuellar A.; Jave-Suárez L.F.; Aguilar-Lemarroy A.; Gómez-Lomelí P.; López-López B.A.; Ortiz-Lazareno P.C.; Culture supernatants of cervical cancer cells induce an M2 phenotypic profile in THP-1 macrophages. Cell Immunol 2016,310,42-52







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