Potential Use of Artificial Intelligence in a Healthcare System


Agrawal Ojaskumar D.1ORCID,Madhavi Janvi S.1ORCID


1. Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Pharmacy, Chembur [E], University of Mumbai, Mumbai 400 074, India


Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a swiftly evolving branch of technology that has been used to improve clinical practice, minimize errors, and boost safety and efficiency worldwide; in almost every field. AI is used for machine-learning algorithms and techniques to replicate human cognition in the assessment, display, and interpretation of complicated medical and healthcare data. AI is surfacing and producing a discernible shift in the healthcare system by expanding the availability of data in healthcare and speeding up the development of analysis tools. Additionally, AI and its applications in healthcare have evolved and proved to be a boon. The pharmaceutical business, health services, medical institutes, and patients, not only doctors use the applications but also dermatology, echocardiography, surgery, and angiography are only a few applications. AI can improve healthcare systems without hesitation. Automating time-consuming tasks can free up clinicians' schedules so they can encounter patients. It is causing a radical shift in healthcare, attributed to the increasing availability of healthcare data and the rapid advancement of advanced analytics. Screening, monitoring, and medical and clinical investigations are all made easier by AI. Despite some of the obstacles and limitations that AI faces, this new technology has enormous potential in the medical field. Regarding their reduced size, electronic devices have become more powerful as technology has progressed. Currently, the COVID – 19 pandemic is propelling the digital age to unprecedented heights. On multiple fronts, Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are being employed to combat the pandemic.


Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science








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