Philip Swetha Sara,John Deepa Rebecca,Ninan Fini,John Sheeja Susan
Purpose :
Epithelial cysts of the iris may be primary or secondary. The management of secondary, posttraumatic
iris cysts is often challenging. The purpose of this work is to report the successful surgical management of a
post-traumatic iris cyst.
Case Report:
A 38 year-old man presented with an iris cyst associated with epithelial downgrowth and total cataract, six
years after sustaining a penetrating injury to his right eye. The iris cyst was excised in toto with the epithelial
downgrowth, and the procedure was combined with cataract extraction and intra ocular lens implantation. The patient had
good post-operative visual recovery with minimal inflammatory reaction.
Post-traumatic cysts of the iris can be associated with significant ocular morbidity. Many different modalities
of treatment, with varying degrees of success, have been described for the treatment of iris cysts. Excision of the iris cyst
in toto is a good surgical management option, which can result in an excellent functional outcome with minimal
inflammatory complications.
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Cited by
10 articles.