Is There a Need for New Surgical Procedures for Glaucoma? Yes!


Spaeth George L,Cvintal Victor,Figueiredo Ana


The only method to slow or stop progressive damage caused by glaucoma, the leading cause of irreversible blindness, definitively shown to be effective, is lowering intraocular pressure, though there is also evidence that stabilizing the pressure may be beneficial. Performing surgery on the eye has proven effective in some cases, using various techniques, though with variable frequencies of success (stabilization of the disease) and various frequencies and severities of complications. Surgery offers the great advantage of longer duration of action than medicinal treatments presently available, and, also, of lessening the need of the patient to be faithful using suggested medications. There is a need to develop surgical procedures which will be effective in 1) lowering or stabilizing intraocular pressure in a way most likely to prevent glaucomatous deterioration, 2) causing the fewest and least severe problems, and 3) being the most economical. Recent efforts in this regard are promising, but not yet proven superior to well-performed trabeculectomy, itself an evolving procedure.


Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.



Reference38 articles.

1. Elliot R. A preliminary note on a new operative procedure for the establishment of a filtering cicatrix in the treatment of glaucoma Ophthalmoscope 1909; 7 : 804.

2. Herbert H. The Operative Treatment of Glaucoma. New York, NY: William Wood 1923.

3. Sugar H. The Glaucomas 2nd ed New York, NY: Hoeber-Harber . 1957.

4. Heine L. Die Cyclodialyse, eine neue glaukomoperation Dtsch Med Wochenschr 1905; 31 (21) : 824-6.

5. Graefe Av, Windsor T. Three memoirs on iridectomy in certain forms of iritis, choroiditis, and glaucoma 1859.

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