1. Department of Pharmaceutics, ISF College of Pharmacy, Moga, Punjab, 142001,India
Despite several quality management tools, none or very few systematic operations are
taken into account to assure the quality of the pharmaceutical products. Plan Do Check Act (PDCA)
analysis is performed based on the problems encountered during product development. In
each step, some of the quality control tools are used for better maintenance of corrective and preventive
actions. However, systematic use of these tools has still not been made. Here we present an
example of nanoemulsion that will help justify the correct or systematic use of all the seven quality
control tools in each section of the PDCA cycle for better execution of Corrective and Preventive
Actions (CAPA). The major limitations associated with the nanoemulsion i.e. non-uniform size distribution,
lower encapsulation efficiency, lower magnitude of zeta potential, non-scalable and expensive
synthesis procedures, are taken into consideration. This review summarizes the productive
use of 7 QC tools in the PDCA cycle to ensure the optimum quality of nanoemulsion in an industry.
Indian Council of Medical Research
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Cited by
9 articles.