The Effectiveness of Learning Implementation Plan Tool Through Design-Based Research


Zaini Muhammad


Background: Research of Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) focusing on reading material, mathematics, and Natural Science shows that Indonesia ranks 10th of the lowest from 65 countries. Research of Trends International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) shows the Indonesian students capability at very low rank in 1) understanding complex information, 2) theory, analysis, and problem solving, 3) use of tools, procedures, and problem solving, and 4) investigation. One possible way to overcome the problem of Indonesian students’ weakness is to improve the Lesson Plan. Materials and Methods: This research intended to determine the effectiveness of Science-Biology Lesson Plan through design-based research. The research used Tessmer Model with the stages of self-evaluation, expert reviews, one by one, small group, and field test as the research focus. The research subject was VII A students amounted to 40 students. The data included 1) cognitive learning outcomes, 2) performance skills, 3) character behavior, 4) social skills, and 5) critical thinking skills. Learning outcomes was obtained through test and analyzed based on Minimum Mastery Criteria. Performance skills were assessed through observation using performance task detail rubric. Character behavior and social skill were assessed through observation using characteristic behavior rubric. Critical thinking skills were ssessed through student worksheets with quantitative rubric. Results: The research result shows that Lesson Plan is effective to be used based on (1) student learning outcomes (product and process) that have exceeded the classical completeness, (2) student performance skills are very good, (3) student character behavior (discipline and responsibility) is very good, (4) student social skills (collaborating and contributing ideas) are mostly very good, and (5) student critical thinking skills are good.


Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


General Psychology

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