1. An Algorithm for Obtaining Proper Models of Distributed and Discrete Systems
2. Ferris J.B., Stein J. L., Bernitsas M. M. Development of proper models of hybrid systems. In Proceedings of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting on Dynamic Systems and Control1994, Symposium on Automated Modeling: Model Synthesis Algorithms, Chicago, Illinois, November 1994, pp. 629–636 (American Society of Mechanical Engineers).
3. Ferris J.B., Stein J. L. Development of proper models of hybrid systems: A bond graph formulation. In Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation (ICBGM'75), Las Vegas, Nevada, January 1995, pp. 43–48 (Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego, California).
4. An Input-Output Criterion for Linear Model Deduction