1. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
Psychological representations, as a reflection of beliefs, norms and values, are spiced up by individual perspectives as a result of their experiences and expectations, which are the result of the constant interaction of students with their sociocultural context, which allows studying, based on the palabra estímulo vocational training, the reflection of culture in the cognitive configurations of students. The objective of the research is to analyze the differences in psychological meanings of professional training in women and men from the studied career; the research design is qualitative, cross-sectional and sampling by availability; The results are based on the perspective of 57 students who show the interactions through the psychological meanings that women and men express with the Natural Semantic Networks (RSN) technique. The contribution of the present study is the use of the RSN technique to identify the shared codes of the students that reflect the psychological meanings about their own professional training.
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