1. Universidad de Guadalajara
In order to study both diversity indices and structure of forests, which are an essential tool for decision-making in forest management, which show natural successional processes and effects for its management. So the objetive of this study was to evaluate structure and diversity of arboral species in a temperate forest of southern Jalisco state. Five permanent forestry research sites 50 x 50 (2.500 m2) were established, and a census of all tree species was carried out, with normal diameter greater than 7.5 cm. Each individual was measured: height and normal diameter, placing an aluminum plate for identification. We obtained the importance value index (IVI), indices of diversity, richness, and dasometric parameters. There were 17 species, 9 genera and 9 botanical families; the Fagaceae was dominant. Pinus douglasiana presented the highest IVI (57.93%); The Shannon index had a value of 2.0; the index of Margalef was 2.4; the forest has a density of 688 trees ha-1, being the most abundant Styrax ramirezii; Pinus herrerae obtained the highest values in basal area and volume with 30.77 m2 ha-1 and 357,325 m3 ha-1 respectively. The values of diversity are influenced by elements of the cloud forest
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