1. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
The National System of Researchers (NSR) was created on July 26, 1984 by presidential decree and published in the official journal of the federation. It was established in order to recognize the work of those engaged in producing scientific knowledge and technology, this award symbolizes the quality and prestige of scientific contributions. Its overall purpose is to promote the development of research activities to enhance the quality, performance and efficiency. Therefore, this document reflects the status of the academic bodies of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMEX) and researchers recognized by NSR.
Reference5 articles.
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4. Tejedor, F. y Etxeberria, J. (2006). Análisis inferencial de datos en educación. Madrid, España. Editorial la Muralla.
5. UAEMéx. Agendas estadísticas 2002 a 2017. Consultado el 24/04/2017 en: