1. Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
The Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora (ITSON) is a university concerned about the integral development of its students, developing the capacity of entrepreneurship through its dimensions. The objective of this research was to identify the entrepreneurship capacity of the students through a descriptive study and difference of means, which allows the knowledge of the levels of perception in their dimensions. The participants were students enrolled in entrepreneurship and the instrument was applied to a sample of 40 students. The type of research was descriptive with the difference of means of each gender. The instrument was adapted from Mavila, Tinoco & Campos (2009) with a Likert scale that goes from 5 to 1 where 5 is never and 1 always. Cronbach's alpha was 0.908. Regarding the findings, in the dimensions it was observed that the highest perception with an average of 1.5000 corresponds to self-realization and the lowest one with 1.9958 to social relation, both in the acceptable range. Regarding the difference of means over gender, it was observed that there is no significant difference. It is concluded that the ITSON students perceive that they have a capacity for entrepreneurship.
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