1. Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco
The purpose of this work is to identify, based on the literature, some of the dimensions and/or factors of the existing process in entrepreneurial ecosystems, considering the interior, financial structure, strategic alliances and decision making by senior management y the Universities through the literature review to propose a measurement instrument conductive to an entrepreneurial orientation (OE), developing its operationalization at a conceptual level to enhance innovation and improve business performance. The paper is a review of the literature published in various sources, including Journal of business Research, Human Resource Development Review, Journal of Management Studies, journal of Marketing Communications, Academy of Management Journal, International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, among others. The results of the literary review of 137 articles allow us to recognize that: OE is defined by many scholars on the subject, according to different thematic approaches; the proposal by Lumpkin and Dess (1996) includes five dimensions: 1) autonomy 2) competitiveness 3) innovation 4) proactivity 5) risk taking; influenced by communication networks within strategic alliances, baked by senior management teams, their cultural profile and social responsibility, for a transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary effect that generates innovation. The results of the review allowed the construction of an instrument with a hundred questions to improve the process of measuring the impact of OE an CI on SMEs.
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering