1. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
Objective: Provide an approximation on the evolution of socio-emotional skills as part of the educational competencies to be developed in higher education.
Methodology: This is the product of bibliographical research carried out with a holistic approach, focused on a process that helped explain the origin, legal bases and importance of the development of socio-emotional skills in young people who study higher education, as part of the competencies to acquire at this educational level.
Contribution: Socio-emotional skills are extremely important because thanks to them it is possible to consolidate healthy personal and/or professional relationships, as well as the construction of solid environments and internal and community well-being. Its purpose is to provide an approximation of the evolution of socio-emotional skills as part of the educational competencies to be developed in higher education. To elaborate this, a process of collecting bibliographic information carried out with a holistic approach was used, a procedure that allowed explaining the origin, progress, legal bases and importance of the development of these skills in young people who study higher education, as part of the skills to be acquired at this educational level.
Reference27 articles.
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