1. Universidad Tecnológica del Norte de Aguascalientes
The purpose of this article is to analyze the beliefs about Mathematics in Mechatronics students of the Technological University of North Aguascalientes. The analysis of students' belief systems is important because they are part of the factors that can affect their performance in the subjects of the area of mathematics, both positively and negatively. This research makes an adaptation of the MRBQ questionnaire, which has been used and validated to analyze beliefs in students in previous research; This instrument allows us to analyze belief systems based on the analysis of four factors, which are what the research background shows as the most influential in students' belief systems. The main contribution of the research is the approach they have for the study of beliefs about mathematics in Technological Universities, as well as a first adaptation of the questionnaire used in the context of said educational subsystem, laying the foundations for subsequent research that allow Expand knowledge about beliefs.
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