1. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
In undergraduate students, it is not uncommon to hear that they have symptoms of anxiety, due to the workload they have. Objectives: Identify the presence of anxiety in FPyTCH students, Indicate if academic performance is affected with respect to anxiety in FPyTCH students. Methodology: This research was non-experimental, exploratory, observational, by survey, cross-sectional and descriptive, since no experimental maneuver was performed, in a non-probabilistic sample obtained by accident and convenience, after signing the informed consent. Procedure: 104 students participated corresponding to the semesters of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th, to who were administered the Beck anxiety questionnaire. For statistical processing, spss version 20.0 software was used. Contribution: .906 CRONBACH. The results obtained show that 28.8% of the students present severe anxiety and 13.5% do not have anxiety, as well as the minimum grade average found is 6.9 and the maximum is 9.7, however, said grade average is not found. influenced by the presence or not of anxiety.
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