1. Universidad de Guadalajara
The adaptation of board games as didactical instruments in superior education facilitates learning. With the objective of easing the learning process and incentivize participation various board games were adapted and combined with bacteriology topics. 33 students of third semester of the bachelor´s degree in Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics at the University of Guadalajara were selected to form work groups with the objective of selecting a board game and adapt it to the assigned thematic. Also, these games were reassigned to other work groups afterwards, with the finality that the whole class played with all the board games. To evaluate the learning rate in this dynamic project a pre-test and a post-test were realized; the degree of satisfaction was also measured through a survey using a Likert type scale. The students improved their learning exponentially (p<0.1.95 E-08). 91% of the sample considers the strategy useful and attractive and 83% of the previous sample felt motivated towards the topics. Of all of the board games used the most engaging one was “Headbands”. Board games are tools which facilitate the learning process and motivate participation while making scholar activities fun and entertaining.