1. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
The objective of this research is to value adobe constructions as buildings that must be preserved. The method applied to this research is qualitative, the objective is the description of the characteristics depending on the areas involved in resilience inductively, resulting from the proximity to empirical reality in municipalities of the state of Puebla, Mexico. The field research was conducted in Atlixco, Huaquechula, Tochimilco and Chietla, all municipalities in the State of Puebla and were used as examples as a result of direct observation. The stages of the research were: bibliographic analysis on the subject, the fieldwork was established with the planning of the fieldwork, data collection where instruments of different types were applied in each municipality and finally the systematization of the data from the fieldwork. It had the support of brigade groups from the Benemérita University of Puebla, BUAP and professors from the same institution.
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