Usando tecnología móvil para el aprendizaje de la estructura de los elementos Químicos


Jeronimo-Yedra Rubén1ORCID,Almeida Alejandrina1ORCID,Arceo Gerardo1ORCID,Gómez José1ORCID


1. Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco


In Mexico the use of mobile telephony has increased in recent years, which gives the idea of the impact they have on daily life, encouraging the user not to be in a predetermined place and are a step towards learning at any time and in any place. It is important to create applications using this type of technology, to support the education sector. This research, which was conducted under a mixed-type approach, used as tools for data collection to the questionnaire, observation and interview, resulting in an application that made use of mobile technology, focused to promote the learning of the structure of the chemical elements, as support to the students of baccalaureate, in the subject of Chemistry; This is because young people depend on the printed format that contains the general scheme of all the symbols or memorization to learn each of the elements and their parts. Although on the Web there are several applications that circulate for free on the same subject, some are restricted to computer equipment and others were created for smartphone phones that require a payment to download them.



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