1. Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
The research was conducted with a descriptive quantitative approach. The main objective is to investigate the impact of digital tools on gender inclusion and student support in their school education to enhance academic quality. Additionally, the study aims to understand the frequency and level of utilization of these technologies in educational, social, and work-related activities. To achieve the research objective and address the stated question, female students from upper secondary education were specifically selected, representing first, second, and third-grade levels, respectively. Based on the provided data, it is evident that digital technologies play a crucial role in the current educational environment, particularly among younger students. The use of ICT in the learning process is highly valued by the respondents. Most consider that ICT provides them with relevant information, knowledge, and facilitates their learning process. ICT offers a powerful means to transform education and address gender inclusion in the classroom. Its capacity to improve access to education, provide innovative learning opportunities, and promote gender equality is invaluable.
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