1. Kazan Federal University
At present, higher education is undergoing major changes related to the implementation of the Bologna process ideas, education informatization, integrative processes in society, increasing competition, and globalization. In this regard, the problem of student involvement formation acquires exceptional importance in the university educational activity. The focus on student involvement formation in higher education's social and cultural activity process is conditioned by the necessity to improve professional personality development and raise social competencies. We consider the social activity as a person's integral quality which is realized in various types of self-activity, in the process of which the personality self-realization occurs, conditioned by objective and subjective factors. Also, the structure of motives for young people's social activity is considered. Students' involvement is seen as a person's property, which externalizes in activity and shows the person’s attitude to its various spheres. Particular importance is paid to the research of the students’ extracurricular organization. It is shown that the students free time is needed to organize in the process of educational activity to create conditions for self-realization and self-actualization of the student's personality. The submissions of the article can be useful for Faculty and Administration of higher education institutions.
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