1. Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
The present study is of a qualitative and descriptive approach, where a diagnosis was made to the administrative process of SMEs in the locality, and based on the results obtained, proposals for improvement to their organizational performance were prepared, contributing to the increase in the probabilities of success and permanence in the market, thus fulfilling the established objective and responding to the question posed: How to improve the organizational performance of local SMEs to increase their chances of success and permanence in the market? As a contribution of this research is to provide support to local SMEs to solve problems and/or areas of opportunity detected, and in this way make proposals for improvement that are precise, timely, adequate and focused on the findings obtained, impacting in the same way on the economic development of the region, since when these proposals are implemented, SMEs are strengthened, improving services offered to clients, in addition to minimizing risks and possibilities of failure.