Hydrodynamic analysis of different impellers used in the stir casting process


Pérez-Pérez Arnulfo1ORCID,Martínez-Vázquez J. Merced1ORCID,Rodríguez-Ortiz Gabriel1ORCID,García-Duarte Oscar Enrique1ORCID


1. Universidad Politécnica de Juventino Rosa


In this work, the hydrodynamic behavior of four types of impellers used in the manufacture of metal matrix composites (MMC) through the stir casting process is analyzed, in order to determine which of them is adequate to generate a uniform flow in the metal. Liquid and thereby achieve a uniform distribution of reinforcing particles. The impellers analyzed are the belt type, the vane type, the propeller type and the turbine type. As a first part, the parameters of each one of them were determined to later carry out the modeling in SolidWorks. Some properties of liquid aluminum were also determined, such as density and viscosity for a melting temperature. These characteristics were assigned in the software used. As results, the flow velocities and turbulences that occur with each impeller were obtained, being the propeller-type impeller the one that shows a more uniform distribution in terms of velocities.



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