Analysis, design, and creation of a learning program in Big Data at the higher education level: Case study Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Rioverde, SLP


Mendoza-González Omar1ORCID,Amador-García Mónica1ORCID,Torres-Meraz Yurivia1ORCID,García-Padrón Fabiola1ORCID


1. Tecnológico Nacional de México/ITS de Rioverde


In this paper results of a quantitative and qualitative study are shown to identify interest and acceptance level of Big Data in university students. The creation of a learning program is proposed that will allow students to obtain the necessary knowledge to form a solid foundation regarding Big Data, as well as the necessary tools to start working with this technology. A survey has been carried out of students who study the Educational Programs of Computer Engineering and Engineering in Computer Systems at ITSRV, the results show that 41% of the respondent’s report having zero knowledge of Big Data, 51.28% mention that it is important to learn about the subject by development professional and the most suitable way, according to the answers, is through a workshop or a certification. Of the eight most used Big Data tools, Hadoop and Spark were the ones identified by the respondents, due to this, and the literature reviewed, it is important that spaces and Big Data learning programs are generated in higher level institutions that allow Students obtain the necessary basic knowledge and identify applications of Big Data in the professional and job context.



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