Diagnosis of strategic planning for commercial companies in ciudad Obregon, Sonora


Navarro-Arvizu Elba Myriam1ORCID,López-Parra María Elvira1ORCID,Leyva-Osuna Beatriz Alicia1ORCID,González-Navarro Nora Edith1ORCID


1. Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora


This study consists in elaborate a diagnosis of strategic planning for SMEs in the commercial sector of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, answering the question posed: How to contribute to the improvement of the organizational performance of SMEs in the locality? The established objective is to carry out a diagnosis of strategic planning for SMEs in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora based on obtaining information through the application of an instrument, with the purpose of generating proposals that contribute to the improvement of their organizational performance, increasing their probabilities of permanence in the market. The research is qualitative and descriptive, designing an instrument to diagnose strategic planning for five SMEs in the commercial sector. Finding mainly lack of strategic planning and to perform the analysis of the environment, both internal and external, it can be said that they have no accurate knowledge of these, causing uncertainty. Concluding that it is vital that every company has a strategic planning, because when planning and organizing work, it becomes less difficult (Aguilar, 2000); and by continually evaluating strategies, they prevent them from becoming obsolete, in addition, this contributes to the objectives and strategies being established in a coordinated and conscious way, avoiding bad decisions (David, 2003, cited by Valdez, Zerón and Morales, 2008).




General Medicine

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