1. Universidad Tecnológica de Cancún
Strategic planning (PE) has played a very important role in the development of formal alternatives to improve organizational performance in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The following research aims to analyze the knowledge and application of SMEs in the city of Cancun, Quintana Roo with respect to PE. A quantitative, descriptive and transversal approach was carried out. 614 managers, businessmen or SME managers participated, who voluntarily supported us referenced by students who carried out their professional practices in the period May-August 2018, January-April 2019 and May-August 2019. The information was obtained through of an instrument of own elaboration. From the results it was found that 67.4% of SMEs do not know what PE is. An important aspect to highlight is that 73.6% of SMEs do not consider training as a strategy for innovation and growth of their business. Although many of the SMEs have several years of operation, 53.6% of them do not have any element of organizational identity, Organizational Philosophy (mission, vision or values). It is concluded that SMEs are willing to consider a training plan that suits their needs as long as it does not mean unnecessary expense. On the other hand they know the importance of having an administrator with the necessary skills to adapt to changes in consumers and the global market.
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