Attenuation of the effect of salinity on redwood (Caesalpinia platyloba) by saline compost


Roblero-Roblero Elier Rutilo1ORCID,Ruelas-Ayala Rey David1ORCID,Sañudo-Torres Rosario Raudel1ORCID,Félix-Herrán Jaime Alberto1ORCID


1. Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México


The objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of saline compost on the attenuation of salinity stress in palo colorado (Caesalpinia platyloba). A representative sample of saline soil was taken at Ciudad Universitaria Intercultural, sieved (mesh < 5mm) and composted with cattle manure and Cynodon dactylon garden grass pruning, in a 3:1:1 ratio (stubble: manure: saline soil), for 120 days, the characterization consisted of measuring the bulk density (DA), saturation point, pH and EC of the saturated paste extract. The effect of different concentrations of NaCl on the in vitro germination of palo colorado seeds was evaluated in a randomized complete block design with two substrates (blocks), B1) sand-perlite; B2) sand-perlite-salt compost, five treatments 0 M, 0.3 M, 0.4 M, 0.5 M and 0.6 M of NaCl, eight replicates per treatment. The control irrigation was with distilled water. The plants transference to polyethylene cups was fifteen days after sowing; the cups had the same substrate mixture. The variables measured were survival, leaf biomass and dry root biomass. The EC decreased during composting, from 9.45 dS/m low to 2.4 dS/m; the pH of the samples did not show a significant difference. It is concluded that neither the substrate nor the NaCl concentration significantly influenced the germination of palo colorado seeds, and that the saline compost had no effect on the mitigation of salt stress in palo colorado plants.









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