Tamaño de partícula de Pumita y Tezontle en el crecimiento de plantas de Ocimum Basilicum L.


Cruz-Crespo Elia1ORCID,Can-Chulim Álvaro1ORCID,Luna-Esquivel Gregorio1ORCID,Ortiz-Vega Moisés Ignacio1ORCID


1. Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit


There are few reports about the effect of pumice in the production of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), an economically significant plant. The size of pumice particles can influence basil production. The objective of this study was to compare the growth and production of basil plants cultivated using pumice and tezontle particles of various sizes. Pumice (jal) and tezontle were mined in Xalisco, Nayarit. Five particle sizes per material were used —size 0 = 0.1≥ ≤12 (material without particle separation); size 1 = 7.5 ≥ ≤12; size 2 = 5.0≥ <7.5; size 3 = 3.0≥ <5.0; size 4 = 0.8≥ <3.0; size 5 = 0.1≥ <0.8— and their physical properties were determined. The basil was transplanted into pots which had been filled with particles of each size. The following variables from the above-ground part of the plants were evaluated: plant height, stem diameter, and leaves, stem, inflorescence, and total dry mass; root variables were also evaluated. Size-4 particles recorded the highest values for height, stem diameter, and total dry biomass; this result was attributed to physical properties. The highest value was obtained for every variable aboveground when pumice substrate was used.



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