Sistema de Emisión de Títulos Digitales: Módulo alumno y público en general


Vega–Flores Patricia1ORCID,Vega–Olvera Gustavo Ivan1ORCID,Alcantar–Ortiz Patricia1ORCID,Morales-Orozco David1ORCID


1. Instituto Tecnológico Superior del Sur de Guanajuato


In recent years, the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) has established new standards for the issuance of Digital Bachelor Degree Certificates titles by educational institutions and their registration with the Directorate General of Professions (DGP). Currently, the Technological Institute of the South of Guanajuato (ITSUR) through the academic body of Software Development under software engineering methodologies, is completing the first stage of developing an application to issue, sign and register digital bachelor degree certificates before the DGP. This application does not have any module that allows access to the student or general public interested in their validity. Therefore, it is required to develop new modules that require the student to follow up on the process, download the degree certificate and the graphic representation, as well as allow those employers or affected to verify the validity of a degree. The methodology to use will be iterative and incremental, to divide the project into iterations that generate increases in value and achieve stabilization in less time. This new version will have greater impact, as it may be distributed to other Technological Institutes that have implemented the Integral School Control System (SICE) owned by ITSUR and thus reduce the gap in the issuance of digital degree certificates.



Reference11 articles.

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