1. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
Objective: to identify the relationship between depression and the school average in students of the Faculty of Psychology and Therapy of Human Communication, UJED. Depression was assessed by the Beck Test to 110 students. It is a quantitative, exploratory, non-experimental, observational and cross-sectional study, with descriptive and correlational statistical analysis, with non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. Chronbach's alpha of the analyzed data was 0.89. 50% of the students presented some level of depression, with a significant correlation between depression and the school average with r: -. 247 and p: .009. Contribution: the results indicate that, in a very weak, but statistically significant way, the higher the school average, the lower the level of depression among students. The high frequency of the incidence of depression in the sample studied plus the significant correlation, suggest the need to implement depression care programs concurrent to the educational process.
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