1. Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
The activities carried out by human beings are responsible for the greenhouse gas emissions that heat the planet and generate climate change. The best known gas is CO2, causing 63% of warming, which is generating consequences in the essential processes of our nature, as in the case of ecosystems, such as wetlands, are at risk of disappearing, the increase in temperature Average and decreasing rainfall, rising sea levels, decreased Arctic ice. The construction industry is one of the ways in which human beings pollute and one of them is due to urban growth and the demand for urban infrastructure, such as urban subdivision roads. The purpose of this study is to determine the KG-CO2 / M2 and the environmental impacts that are generated in the construction of an asphalt pavement in urban Development in Ciudad Obregón Sonora using the Life Cycle (ACV) methodology and the Simapro software. 9.0, using the required construction volumes. The results obtained of 13.6280 Kg-CO2 / M2.
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