Determinación de los parámetros cinéticos de la pirolisis de la biomasa lignocelulosica


Baray-Guerrero María Del Rosario1ORCID,Valles-Aragon María Cecilia1,Nevarez-Rodriguez Myrna Concepción1ORCID,Manjarrez-Dominguez Carlos Baudel1ORCID


1. Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua


Over the past decades, interest in renewable energy and the environment has grown considerably, with a significant effort being made in the field of energy efficiency, the creation of sustainable technologies and the reduction of the carbon footprint. Therefore, the use of biomass in an economical and efficient way is of interest, and its study and analysis becomes necessary. In this work, kinetic parameters such as activation energy (Ea) and preexponential factor (A) were determined for apple residues using the non-isothermal thermogravimetric method and treating the data obtained under the models mathematicians of the differential method and the maximum speed method, and additionally performing the activation energy distribution. The calculation of the activation energy helped to see the way in which thermal decomposition takes place (if there are one or more processes and in what range of conversions they occur), through the characteristic kinetic constants provided by the kinetic models, allowed to identify the gaseous species emitted by the material, and thus study the processes through which such decomposition occurs



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