1. Instituto Tecnológico de Jalisco
This is a project that aims to be a collective academic space for learning and research to strengthen processes of social activation linked to the management of the territory, the use of natural resources, the use of renewable energy and automation. It is to make the school a space for collective action in search of sustainability. The objective is to take advantage of the land, not yet built, of the José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez Technological Institute, Campus Puerto Vallarta (TecMM, campus PV,) for organic planting, by integrating technological practices of sustainable management, promoting an experience of productive learning and community participation. The project has two approaches: educational and social. This investigation comprises, so far, two stages. The first stage was the manufacture of an automated hydroponic greenhouse for the ecology department of the Puerto Vallarta City Council. The second stage, currently under development, consists of implementing technology and automated mechanisms for farmland, proposes the total immersion of engineering for the interaction of man with nature. Relentlessly seeking, and accepting as our greatest challenge, the maximum use of resources, without neglecting the correct operation.
Reference13 articles.
1. Cano-Díaz, Viridiana C., Cortina-Villar, Sergio, & Soto-Pinto, Lorena. La construcción de la acción colectiva en una comunidad del Área Natural Protegida: La Frailescana, Chiapas, México. Argumentos (México, D.F.), 28(77), 2015. 79-96. Recuperado en 08 de septiembre de 2018, de
2. Dickson. Química: Enfoque ecológico. México D.F.: LIMUSA WILEY.
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4. Instituto de Información Estadística y Geográfica (2019) Tomado de: