1. Universidad Tecnológica de la Selva
Currently, national education policies of coverage, quality and relevance impose challenges to higher education institutions. To face them, universities must place the curricular update, student motivation and improvement of the teaching-learning processes as primary focus of attention. To effectively transform these axes, it is necessary to have relevant information that allows to assertively guide decision making. Thus, this project characterizes the Information and Communication Technologies Division of the Universidad Tecnológica de la Selva through the analysis of information obtained from students and population of the area of influence, combined with the review of repositories indicators of official information. In this sense, this paper provides an instrument to evaluate students’ expectations and opinions regarding the teaching-learning process and incorporates an instrument aimed at the population of the area of influence to measure their level of knowledge of the University and the general opinion of it. This new aspect is relevant given that the population of the area of influence is the first promoter or detractor of the institution’s work due to its coexistence with the university community and it is not usually considered in this type of studies.
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