El análisis de los elementos culturales como influencia de generación de conocimiento en las organizaciones agrícolas del Valle del Yaqui


Flores-López José Guadalupe1,Ochoa-Jiménez Sergio1ORCID


1. Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora


Agriculture in Mexico is a relatively small sector since it represented around 4% of the Gross Domestic Product (INEGI, 2009). However, the generation of employment is relatively greater, representing some 3.3 million farmers and 4.6 million wage and unpaid family workers. The purpose of the research is to analyze the influence of cultural factors in the generation of knowledge of the agricultural organizations of the Yaqui Valley for the construction of a theoretical model that describes a reality. For this, a mixed methodology was applied, for the quantitative study a questionnaire of 28 Likert scale items was designed, five points, which was applied to 90 agricultural organizations of the Yaqui Valley. For the qualitative study, a semi-structured interview was designed which was applied to seven leaders of agricultural associations and local producers. As a result, it was obtained that cultural factors influence the generation of knowledge by 20%, a low influence is estimated, and it is verified with qualitative results, which show that cultural elements such as tradition, customs and values are aspects that hamper the generation of new knowledge in the Yaqui Valley.



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