Los conocimientos detrás del oficio tradicional: conceptos y dimensiones para su análisis


Ayala-Ramirez Suhey1ORCID,Castillo-Giron Víctor Manuel1ORCID


1. Universidad de Guadalajara


Traditional trades are a means of producing material goods. They have distinguishing characteristics that differentiate them from other forms of production. Their study is relevant since they conceptualize the sociocultural structures created at a given moment in history, and speak to the social relations forged during production. Similarly, they account for the social transformations that emerge as a consequence of changes experienced by these means of production (Martínez, 2009). The current study is being approached from an educational perspective. Its objective is to carry out a conceptual analysis of traditional trades, with an emphasis on the transfer of explicit and tacit knowledge and the role of education in their rupture, continuity, transformation and/or consolidation. The research methodology is derived from a thematic analysis of scholarly literature that allowed for the conceptual framing of traditional trades. Notwithstanding, there is a limited supply of specialized literature available on this topic, and this study aims to contribute elements for future imperial analysis. Furthermore, the findings will result in a greater understanding of the socio-educational wealth of knowledge contained in these means of production that have been devalued by the formal educational system.




General Medicine

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