La transmodernidad y la matriz disciplinar como propiedades emergentes en la construcción de la identidad epistémica de los estudios organizacionales


Pérez-Mayo Augusto Renato,1ORCID,Roque-Nieto Nohemí1ORCID


1. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos


Two conceptual categories are presented that support possibilities for the search for the epistemological identity of Organizational Studies: Transmodernity and the disciplinary matrix. The category of Transmodernity as a possibility of integration and at the same time of the disappearance of the borders between qualitative and quantitative research emanating from logical positivism and the term of Disciplinary Matrix. These two elements allow us to continue with the project called Epistemological Conciliation of Organizational Studies. Literature is presented that provides arguments for an emerging and significant paradigm shift inhuman and organizational evolution. Bourdieu and Luhmann are taken up again and in the second moment, theoretical bodies are presented, such as the paradigm of transmodernity proposed by Ghisi; the transmodern philosophy of political liberation proposed by Dussel; Magda's Hegelian dialectical triad of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, as well as Kuhn's Disciplinary Matrix and Lakatos's Scientific Research Programs. It is argued that the reason why the so-called Organizational Studies are not hearing more about the emerging sociocultural, economic, political and philosophical change described by these authors is an apparent cause: the absence of epistemic identity.



Reference52 articles.

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