1. Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Calkini
The chaos that micro-businesses are going through due to the surprise of the mandatory temporary closure in the City of Hecelchakán, Campeche is exacerbated by the uncertainty of its employees. For this reason, it is urgent to describe the general administrative indicators of the micro-businesses of Hecelchakán. The study presented in this article is descriptive, the design is non-experimental transactional, the method was the study of the field and the technique is the survey, with the questionnaire as an instrument. The results indicate that the level of customer service in the electrical appliance micro-businesses in the town of Hecelchakán is good, although incomplete. 100% of them handle a guarantee on their products, which means a high possibility of demand. Three out of four businesses obtain their sales on credit and in cash. The current health situation put and continues to put household appliance micro-businesses at risk as these at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic were forced to temporarily close.
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