1. Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus León
It describes the progress that has been made in the "Smart Campus" project, which is being carried out at the Instituto Tecnológico de León. The objective of this project is to improve the stay of the people who walk through the institution on a daily basis, using intelligent agents, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, software, databases, hardware and platforms that the University already has, using the traditional architecture to its advantage and adding certain elements that allow us to make this proposal a reality. The project aims to census the classrooms to improve the stay of people who walk through the institution every day, obtain environmental data from the classrooms in real time and manipulate the current that can be delivered to a lamp. In this article, we talk in depth about the construction process of the architecture, in which the whole project will be based in a technical way, but at the same time making it as understandable as possible for any type of public.