1. Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Cajeme
The main objective is to evaluate the quality of the service; likewise, to determine what are the essential aspects and measure the quality of service from the students. As expressed by Duque and Chaparro (2012), it is not recommended that the evaluation of the quality of the service only considers the point of view of executives and government agencies, since the perception of the most important client, the student, would be evaded. The method to follow is to determine the variables that will be studied and we establish the instrument to collect information, determine the population to which the study is directed, apply the instrument to the sample, present the results obtained, draw conclusions comparing it with the theoretical framework and with other studies; and finally, the recommendations of the findings. Among the main findings, it was possible to obtain the qualification of the service quality of the students in the period evaluated, the overall score reached is 5.18, interpreted as good service and representing 74%. It is relevant to consider that the characteristic with lower qualification, in this case, the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication material.