Evaluation of commercial products for protection and vigorous uptake of corn seed (Zea mays)


Martínez-Scott Marcia Maribel1,Aguilar-Quintana Benjamín1


1. Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Salvatierra


The objective of this research was to evaluate six commercial products used for the protection of seeds against pests and diseases. The products were Poncho, Nipsit Inside, Allectus 150, Allectus 722, Regent Ultra and Cruiser 350 FS. The experiment was established in the town of Puerta del Monte, belonging to the municipality of Salvatierra, Guanajuato, in a random block design with seven repetitions. The evaluated variables were plant height, stem diameter, root length, present populations of fall armyworm, cutworms, thrips, diabrotica and blind hens. The most efficient treatment on the protection of pests in the cultivation of maize in its stage V4-V6 (most vulnerable stage) was the Nipsit Inside, this according to the results that were obtained in the four weeks of evaluation and according to the statistic analysis. Nipsit Inside is an insecticide that showed a wide range of protection in addition to presenting superior yields and better quality in the ears. Poncho is the second alternative to be used because it has very similar characteristics to Nipsit Inside in most of the variables evaluated.



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